
We offer a range of workshops and talks covering aspects of values, culture and Active Ethos®. All of them are designed to be energetic, immersive and productive. Delegates will be challenged, stimulated and will leave with the tools to make changes for themselves and their businesses.


How could ActiveEthos transform your business (and your life)?

In this eye-opening, high-energy workshop Erika immerses delegates in values and culture. The workshop introduces the concept of Active Ethos®, her method to help businesses drill down to their organisational values and use them to forge culture in a collaborative, meaningful way that sticks.

Find out about organisations who have transformed through values and culture, against all the odds. See what happens when values go wrong. Challenge yourself on your personal values. You might see yourself and your business with new eyes …

Delegates will start to form a plan that they can activate confidently when they get back to their workplace.

Dig deep and go far

Establishing your values is the starting point to transformation. When I have had to make tough decisions my values have allowed me to do so with confidence and integrity. I am delighted to help other people and organisations in the same way.

Do you find it hard to say “No”?
Do you avoid challenging conversations?
Do you find it hard to accept feedback?
Do you struggle to make tough decisions?
And …

Do you feel these things are holding you back from reaching your full potential?

How would you feel if I told you that there’s a way to overcome this – and it’s right inside you already?

In this workshop we will dig deep into your core values. We won’t just think about them, we’ll get right into them and challenge them. You might be surprised by the results.

We’ll look at practical ways you can harness your values when you need them. It’s about having the confidence in yourself to make good choices, reach the success you merit, and help those around you to do the same.

As Professor Bill George of Harvard says: “You do not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure … ” So, are you up for the challenge and willing to grow?


We can tailor workshops and talks to meet your requirements. We’ll craft an approach dependent upon numbers and level of delegates, required outcome and the nature of your business challenge.

“Outstandingly useful. Many tips about how to embed values and improve culture.”


Vistage Chair, 2022

Get in touch

To find out more about Larkenby’s work and how we can help you, send your enquiry via this form or email us direct. We’ll get back to you within a working day.