"Erika Clegg is a human dynamo, combining infectious positive energy with an insightful and shrewd approach to first understanding and then adding value to clients. She creates a challenge and growth environment to best support clients."
David Sheepshanks
"Erika is phenomenal. She pushes the boundaries, understands the context you work in but more importantly, anticipates the possibilities so you can be ahead of the game."
Deborah Cadman OBE
CEO West Midlands Combined Authority
"I was lucky enough to work with Erika at the IFA. She has valuable experience and a deep interest in developing and applying active values to drive positive corporate change. Her infectious energy and total belief in her subject make her an inspiring speaker and coach. She’s undoubtedly ahead of the curve on the matter of Ethos and can help organisations of any scale prepare themselves for a successful future."
Mark Mclennon
Global Cio Burberry
"As well as being very creative, Erika gets stuff done and cares passionately about making the world a better place."
Matthew Taylor CBE
"Erika delivered a high-energy keynote speech at our Suffolk Chamber of Commerce AGM which really stretched our delegates’ understanding of matters fundamental to their businesses: engaging hard to reach communities, the danger of social media echo chambers and the value of corporate ethos. She held people’s attention and provided a pop of uplifting colour on a grey day. People left with clear actions, feeling upbeat."
Sarah Howard MBE
Chair, British Chambers Of Commerce
"Thank you so much for yesterday – I don’t know how you managed it but everyone came back very motivated to take it seriously and commit to the process. I always think we are a tough crowd, more doers than thinkers, who find this stuff difficult."
Charles Downie
Bacton Transport
"It went so, so well with the Senior Leadership Team yesterday. I am thrilled and really energised about the next steps. Thank you for your support."
Headteacher, Independent School
Good School Guide-Listed
"You are very warmly recommended and I can see why. Many of the things which really intimidate me with modern communications seem so straightforward in your hands! I am delighted you are helping us with the trees, thank you very much."
Diana Hunt JP DL
Queen's Green Canopy
"I'd like to thank you for providing us with an inspirational and thought-provoking session. It was spot on and you certainly made a wonderfully positive impression on the team."
Lucy Downing
Head of Marketing, Holkham Estate
"... a huge thank you for all of the support you have given us over the past 12 months. I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say we wouldn’t be where we are now without your advice and challenge."