When organisations set their Vision 2020 all those years ago, they were not expecting this 2020. And what that has shown us all is that you can plan until you pop, but if something huge happens, resilience is essential.

That resilience comes from a number of places. And the places that Larkenby is here to support are inextricably entwined.

They are culture and communication.

It’s your culture that binds your team when challenges arise and the unexpected happens. Your culture that gives you access to the best people to join that team and nurture them to bigger and better things. Your culture that informs your customer relationships, your manufacturing processes, your community outreach, your brand voice. Your culture is your soul, your ambitions and your place in the world.

Perhaps now – with the world changing faster than any of us has seen before – might be the time to crack your culture? To make your team connect more fully, your people focus on growth, create clarity about your vision?

Communications help you create, integrate and amplify that culture. Internal and external, across a wide range of audiences. Communication is as much about you understanding people as it is about them knowing you. And so, it creates opportunity, influences r&d, enhances distribution and market position, underpins behaviour change and initiative take-up, and grows your impact and your commercial success. It’s wrapped up in audiences and advocates, brand and marketing, and it’s fundamental.

Perhaps now – with people’s priorities reconfigured, habits changed and their daily lives altered beyond recognition – might be the time to listen harder, get to know them better, speak more directly and find a new place to occupy in their lives?

Because now, more than ever*, developing a clear, active and embedded culture and communicating effectively (both ways) is absolutely essential. In fact, I’d say that right now, it’s a non negotiable if you want to do more than stay alive – if you want to thrive.

I look closely for great culture, excellently communicated and in truth, I don’t find it very often. I want to help improve that. To give organisations the skills to create world class culture, communicate it with insight, creativity and diligence – and reap the rewards for years to come, whatever the world throws at them.

And that’s why Larkenby has launched in 2020. It was not my Vision 2020, but it’s borne of experience and it’s clear that now’s the time. Want to know more?

Get in touch.

* There will be no more Covid cliches!