Core in Four
This is a four week one-to-one programme designed to help you define and harness your personal vision and core values. It's about having the confidence in yourself to make good choices, reach the success you merit, and help those around you to do the same.
People who know their core values are:
more confident
more decisive
more successful (by their definition)
more happy
more respected
more relaxed
more collaborative
more at ease with themselves.
This Core in Four programme is an evolution of our corporate ActiveEthos method. It has grown from our insights that:
many of us know our values instinctively but can't quite express them
those who can, find many challenges in life more manageable and rewarding
values are much easier to live up to when we understand our true purpose or ambition.
Over four one-to-one sessions we will establish your goals, explore your values and put them to the test, and draw up a plan that allows you to build on them.
Week One
Set your goals
When we look at values, it helps to first address vision. In the case of a business, this will be an exciting goal that meets corporate objectives and inspires the team. In the case of people, it can be one of two things:
What is your 'why'?
What do you 'want'?
Your 'why' is your purpose. A life with purpose provides challenges and rewards in equal measure. Purpose does not need to be global: it can be very close to home. If you want to tap into your purpose, we'll go through some exercises that help you get there.
What you 'want' is your ambition. Maybe it's a promotion. If you lead the business, maybe it's the next stage of growth. Maybe it's to take a year out. Learn fine art. Run a four hour marathon. Whatever you want, we'll fine tune it and give it a shape that really spurs you on.
With this level of focus, you'll be in great shape to set yourself a set of demanding, best-you values.
Week Two
Discover your values
What do you find in your core, if you strip away the layers? The essential principles by which you can live your best life? The non-negotiables that drive you on?
Bear in mind that values are things you hold yourself to, that will help you reach your goal. They do not reflect your current behaviours, but create the template for change and improvement.
We'll look at hundreds of values words, and analyse how they relate to you. We'll cast off the ones that just don't sit right, and dig deeper into the others.
We'll draw up a set of values that can work for you. How are they structured? How many are there? What words do you use? What's their style and tone?
By the end of the session you'll have a shortlist of three to eight values, which you'll live with over the next week. You'll see how they feel, whether they ring true, whether they matter as much as you thought, whether you can meet their expectations.
Week Three
Challenge your values
You've lived with your new values set for a week. We'll review how that went, and consider situations in which you drew on them.You can decide to change them now, if you like, or hold firm. We will then push back on or push further into each of them in the values challenge.
One by one, we'll consider situations that you might encounter in which it might be tempting to step away from the value, or in which the values have unintended consequences. How does it feel? You'll take yourself into those situations and observe your responses.
The exercise is fun but goes deep, and after it we'll take a third look at the values list and your set, to see whether you want to make any changes.
As Harvard Professor Bill George says, "You do not know what your true values are until they are tested under pressure … Those who develop a clear sense of their values before they get into crisis are better prepared to keep their bearings and navigate through difficult decisions and dilemmas when the pressure mounts.”.
Week Four
Plan your actions
We've all had those "Ah-ha!" moments that crumble once we get back to the day to day business of living.This time, we're not going to let that happen.
In our final session, we look at each value in relation to your goal and your life, and we draw up actions that bring each of them into your world.
We're not looking at adding a whole heap of new stuff to your to do list, rather to repurpose what you already do to fully reflect your values and help you meet your goal.
How can you tell they're working? We'll look at that, and make a note of steps on the way to your goal at which you can check into your progress.
And that's us done! In just four weeks you've really got to grips with your purpose, goals, motivations, aspirations, principles and pressure points - and you've got the tools to live by this new discovery and enjoy a fulfilled life.
How does it work?
The four sessions take place once a week over four weeks. They are held on line, and they are strictly one-to-one between you and Erika. All conversations are 100% confidential, at the time and afterwards.
When you sign up to the programme you will receive work sheets in which you will record your session activities and any elements of homework you undertake during the week. Don't worry! This is simply noting down observations you have during the week, as you bring the last session's results into your daily life.
In between sessions, we will be working to adapt our content to your personal situation, to ensure that every exercise we undertake together is fully relevant to you.
Sessions are one hour. Our standard platform is Zoom but we can use others if your situation requires. The course fee is £1,495 and if you want to make multiple bookings for team members there is a discount available.
The programme is most effective delivered in the intended time period so when we book in your sessions please ensure they are clear in your diary.