Feel values. Do culture.

Feel values. Do culture.

Feel values. Do culture. Values are things you feel in your belly. They are your beliefs. When faced with tough choices, reaching into your values will give you the answer. For people and for organisations alike, they are deep-set, instinctive and it takes some soul...
2021. Make it the year you lead with values.

2021. Make it the year you lead with values.

Do you find challenging conversations difficult? Do you avoid them? That, my friend, is the danger zone: because what you let slide becomes your culture. Those tough conversations have to be had. Not just by you, but between everyone in your organisation. They are the...
Corporate Culture Champions: are you brave enough?

Corporate Culture Champions: are you brave enough?

Over the course of Step One Active Ethos® workshops, and in following up around them, one thing has become abundantly clear to me. Larkenby is most needed where we are not wanted. Where there is strong resistance to culture, it’s very hard for people like you...
Active Ethos®: the definitive glossary

Active Ethos®: the definitive glossary

In the world of corporate culture there are a lot of words that can feel interchangeable, or be overlooked. There are often very subtle differences which will sit behind their use. To help you plan your approach to launching your own Active Ethos®, here is a glossary...
Use the past, don’t stay there

Use the past, don’t stay there

The opening line of The Go Between, a romantic novel by LP Hartley popular in the 1950’s, is: “The past is another country, they do things differently there”. Valuable advice when it comes to your company’s choices and behaviour. Businesses with heritage often find...
Why did I launch Larkenby?

Why did I launch Larkenby?

Two reasons. Having brought a clear set of values and culture stemming from them into my brand communications agency, Spring, I am a convert. I’ve seen the impact it has on people. I’ve seen how people who ‘get it’ are spurred on by it and use it to propel themselves...