Can Active Ethos® deliver psychological wellbeing at work?

Can Active Ethos® deliver psychological wellbeing at work?

One method for assessing psychological wellbeing is the Ryff Scale, developed by Prof. Dr. Carol Ryff in the 1970s. It predates Daniel Pink’s 2009 theory on the three components of Intrinsic Motivation, which are Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. Participants take...
17 reasons to dig deep and unearth your true values

17 reasons to dig deep and unearth your true values

I found some doodlings I made a few years back about why people might want to take the time to delve deeper into their values. It seemed rather poetic. It’s also great timing as we are currently launching a new programme helping people to do just this: if...
Back to the start…

Back to the start…

If there is a single starting point for Larkenby, this scribble captures it. Having pondered my own values in a fairly haphazard way over the years, and in a position where I needed something substantial to lean on to help me make some tough decisions, these notes...
Circus culture: what can we learn?

Circus culture: what can we learn?

Erika has a fascination with circus and its unique, very special culture. Keen to dig beneath the glitter and thrills to find out more about the real culture and values of circus, and consider how this applies to our own businesses and teams, she interviewed Mina...